Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Leafy Predicament

OK. So it was a slow weekend. My mom asked if I had blogged anything new yet today. I had to tell her no because we didn't do much other than rake leaves this weekend. And of course, after talking to her, she manages to find some humor in our situation.
Well, as many of you know, I was born and raised in the comfy suburb of Vandalia. I had always been around the country scene with my grandparents living on the outskirts of Laura. (Although visiting now, it doesn't look like the "country" I remember). Anyway, I had always loved the country but I was never countrified. I would always end up back in my bed in cozy suburbia.
So, when Jonathan and I bought our house, we compromised on an area that was country but still had easy access to the comforts of the "city".
And now, I begin my transformation to becoming countrified. Saturday was the first day that I realized that we have to find creative alternatives to dumping our yard waste. Saturday, Jonathan was going to mow the lawn. But, we noticed that there were too many leaves on the ground to just run through them with the lawn mower. We then grabbed our newly bought rakes and began the overwhelming task. Sadly, when we looked up into our trees, we still had over 2/3 of our leaves still on our trees. As we finished our raking we looked at each other and asked "what are we gonna do with all these leaves?" We couldn't burn them. The neighbor suggested we just throw them into the fields across our lot. But, no matter which way the wind blows, they will just end up all over the road and back into our yard. We ended up bagging them up (a total of 11 bags of leaves, and still much more to come). We then decided to put all 11 bags into the truck and haul them over to Jonathan's parents house. We were going to put them into there garden, like they do with there leaves. But when we got there, the wind was blowing so hard that there leaves were blowing all over the place. I knew that wouldn't be right. If we dumped our leaves there, they would just blow all over there yard and end up having to be raked up again by his dad. So, we headed back home again with the leaves still in the truck. When we got home we just sat in the truck pondering our predicament. The only thing we could come up with was to throw them into our shed out back. We were tired and ready to just give up. And that is were the leaves currently sit, with many more bags of leaves still waiting to be raked.
So today I had an idea. Why don't we take them to my dads house in the suburbs and just let the city pick them up from my dads curb??
I am now begging, does anyone else have any other creative ideas on how we can get ride of all our leaves??


Regi said...

Stuff them all in your gutters and water them down. I promise they won't go anywhere! Wink!

Amy said...

lol regi you are funny, I think they wanted to get them away from their house.
You know I think I would just let them sit all winter on the yard, much easier ;)
For real I don't know what I would do, I just dont like raking up the yard and we live in town so I dont have to deal with finding a place to put them... oh I don't rake them anyway lol. HMMMM maybe you could take them to all your other family?? Lets think you have my dads, Unlcle Lowels, Unlcle Dons and of course your in laws hmmmm lol just kidding. Hope you find something out soon.

LJL said...

I think that the leaves would like it if you would keep them through the winter and periodically take them for rides like you did that other day. Take them to visit Roy and Geneva, maybe even come up to our house and let Dudley pee on them and then take them back to your house. By the way, you are invited to visit my new blog, Just don't "leave" any leaves when you visit! Uncle Lowell

Eugene said...
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Paul and Candy said...

I would get a burning barrell and burn them one bag at a time..About 10 minutes later you can start thinking about next years leaves.

Or drive down the road with the tailgate down and have Johnathon take curves like I know he can and you will soon be leaveless.


Eugene said...
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