Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let It Snow

We woke up this morning to find out first winter wonderland of the season. And of course I had to take a picture. Very happy this is happening on a Saturday and not on my work day. A great day to be looking out my window.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jonathan's little helper........

This weekend, Jonathan decided put up a few lights on our outside fence. Before he could do that, he needed to test all of his light that were packed away in the attic. As you can see, Pepper the cat was only trying to be usual. He began batting at the lights, then the chewing and at one point he had his head inside the box sitting in front of him. What a goof ball!
As Jonathan was testing his lights, Pepper thought it would be a good time to look out at the neighbors. I caught him just before he jumped off.
So far, I have only seen him climb the tree once this year (but the season is still young). Sometimes he leans on some of the branches like he is ready to jump, be we seem to catch him with the squirt bottle before he does that. Jonathan found 1/2 of a glass icicle from the tree on the floor this morning. I thought I had heard him making some noise in the tree through the night. Suddenly the noise stopped and the cat went running. We woke up this morning and found the evidence. Needless to say, the cat went to hide under the bed as soon as he saw Jonathan with 1/2 an icicle in his hand.
As aggravating as this is, we still find ourselves laughing about it all. He is pretty stink'in cute when he falls asleep under the tree with the warm lights. We just hope the Christmas tree makes it until the end of the season.

Guys and their Guns

This year for Thanksgiving, we headed back down to Southern Indiana to Visit Jonathan's brother Steve and his family. It was a little smaller crowd from last year, but we all still had a good time. When we got there, We were pleased to find out that they were deep frying a turkey. It was the first fried turkey for both of us. It was mm mm good. Aside from the obvious danger of frying a turkey and the health risk, I am not sure why anyone would eat it any other way.
The guys decided they wanted to get some target practice in on Saturday just before we left. The above picture is Jonathan.
This is Steve.
and this is James.
I personally don't care for guns, I just let the guys have their fun.
All I can say is, I would never wanna break into their house.