When we returned from Arizona, we were curious if there were any eggs. The only way to tell was by holding the camera over our head and snap a shot. Look what we found!!! Definitely more then what I was expecting. Since this is the closest thing to a pet that we will have for a while (though temporary), I feel the need to look after them. They are now welcome to camp out on our front porch. Hopefully we won't regret our choice. Does anyone know how long it takes these things to hatch??
So now, we need names. What are good names for a four-some like this?
We will keep you posted on the progress of our new temporary guests.
In honor of your Mexico adventure, they should be named Jose, Felipe, Miguel and...JonJon!
Hey that sounds great!!! Except, I think the last one should be called Alejandro. That is the nickname my brother-in-law gave Jonathan.
I think that works!!
I second the Alejondro...ode to 'aunt jonathon'..hahaha.
colton says they are easter eggs
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