Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What fear has done to my writing.

Gosh, it seems like forever since I've blogged. Life seems gloriously busy right now. I always have scenarios that pop up I think would be great blog stories, but for some reason I always find an excuse to keep from sitting down and writing them. Sometimes it's pure laziness, but most of the time it's about being afraid to say what's on my mind.
About a year ago I became painfully aware of other people who could be reading my blog since it's open as public. I suddenly had stage fright when I would sit down to write! I managed a few posts but not the amount I really wanted to do. I started worrying about what others thought and if I was offending them. I certainly didn't want to turn anyone off by the things I would write. Unfortunately we can't please everyone, especially with the broad range of people that are reading this. On one side I am encouraged by many to keep writing, on another , I am told my blog is "to churchy" and I'm sure my terrible grammar and punctuation may turn people off too (I was only a C student). I also battle my own head when I start thinking "who wants to read what I have to say?", "Am I interesting enough to read about (if I don't have kids)?" and "Do I always have to be happy and positive in my blog?" Don't get me wrong, I love telling true stories that are just everyday scenarios and telling them in a way to make people laugh. It's my way of being transparent and reminding people to find humor in our everyday lives. But I certainly don't want to be thought of as a downer because I decided to write something that someone doesn't agree with.
As I sit here writing this I keep back spacing, second guessing what I want to write next....
The bottom line, I need to push away the fear of what others think and keep writing about the things that I am most passionate about and the thoughts that consume my head. Some days I aim to humor my audience, some days I want to uplift them and other days I simply just want to say what's on my mind.
Hopefully you will stay on board for this ride. If not.... oh well!


Regi said...

i don't comment a lot but i will this time - keep writing, i will keep reading :)

Cherith said...

Sommer, every blog I keep up with or read often is written by someone who is taking a risk in what she writes on a pretty consistent basis. Simply because, those are the blogs that are interesting and worth my time! I for one am VERY interested in what you have to say! Even if I don't agree with you, I like to be challenged by other points of view. I know I can't be alone when I say, "GO FOR IT!"