Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hog Roast weekend, 2009

This weekend has been yet another busy fall weekend. Saturday was the 23rd annual Swigart Hog Roast at Swigart Park. It was another great year for the books. The usual Hog with all the many side dishes brought by all the guests. Hayrides, bonfire, hot cider, Marshmallows, volleyball, Hillbilly Golf, hiking, fishing. So many things to do. The best part is getting to visit with the families. This is about the only time of year that many of us see each other, which means lots to catch up on.
This year was my nephew Max's very first Hog Roast. Once he warmed up to the crowd, he let loose. They let him down to run and maaaaan did he!! Of all things, he seemed most drawn to the mud holes. Thankfully they managed to catch him before he could do a splash dive..
This is Max with his Daddy on his first Hog Roast Hay Ride. Pretty sure he liked it.
My two best girls again. Karma, 7 (left) and Karizma,9. Getting so big, sooo fast.

Today I made my first Pumpkin Pie, freshly cut from a pumpkin. I think it turned out ok, but we can't try it until tomorrow when it's cooled. I also tackled my first homemade pie crust. I'm a bit nervous about that one to. It's not exactly the prettiest, that's for sure
The hardest part was getting the pumpkin cut. But cooking it and milling it wasn't too bad at all.
I plan on rushing home tomorrow just so we can enjoy our pie!

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