Sunday, July 18, 2010

Garden Check 2010

We are now about 2/3 the way through our garden season. Over all I would say this year has been good so far but VERY weedy. I have also had to do a lot of watering this year since it has been so dry. The rain we had earlier last week was a God send. I am just hoping now that the forcasted rain for this week holds true, otherwise it's another long week of watering.
Above is my corn. We opted for the Silver Queen this year rather then our usual Chubby Checker from the last 2 years. We should have our first round ready to come off at the end of this week.
And this is my Watermelon patch. this is only 3 plants (hills). I am a bit nervous on these. I'm not sure what to expect when. The plants are getting huge but I have not seen any melons starting yet. We have seen the blooms for the past 3 weeks, but not much more then that. I am hoping we see a little more action by the end of this week (fingers crossed).

And these are my 2 Zucchini plants. I was certain that since the plants were pretty small, we would not see anything on them this year. Boy was I wrong. There were many blooms on both plants. We went from 0 to suddenly 2 were ready to pick after last weeks soaking rain. I am certain there are many more to come.

And here they are!!
And this is what I made with the small one today. Baked Zucchini Chips. Not to bad, but I think I prefer them cooked on the grill. Maybe next weekend we will get around to that.
I am now going through my recipes trying to find my Grandmothers Zucchini Cookie recipe that are definitely on the cooking agenda for this year.

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