Well, here I sit at the computer on a night of a blizzard. I had been meaning to blog earlier in the week, but I'm glad I didn't. This week has been the first time that Jonathan and I have had to deal with "in sickness and in health". Though, it's not exactly life threatening, I feel it's a good example of what this phrase means.
Last Saturday, Jonathan started to feel some pain on his tailbone. Buy Monday evening, the pain had developed into a large bump. When I came home Tuesday night from work, Jonathan wasn't able to walk right or sit straight. Sadly, Tuesday was the Gods Great Outdoor Expo and needless to say, he never made it. If you may recall, Tuesday night was also the night of the ice storm. We decided that we needed to see a doctor that night, since the bump had gotten so painful for Jonathan. So, Jonathan crawled (not literally) to the car and we headed off to Wayne Hospital. When we arrived, I was very surprised to see a practically empty waiting room. Just a few sick babies and us. While we were there, the hospital lost power twice due to the storm. The lights went dark and then the generator kicked in. The nurses were saying that they had never seen this happen. Part of there computer system also went down. But they had enough to get what they needed. We finally got to our convenient care room and saw the doctor. She knew immediately what Jonathan had as soon as she saw it. She said he has a Pilonidal Cyst. It is actually very common especially among men and can be hereditary. It's a large cyst that grows on the end of your tailbone and dangerously close to your spine. She said that we could try to treat it with antibiotics and letting the cyst drain on it's own or surgery to completely remove it. Eventually he will need surgery, since the cysts inevitably come back. If he has surgery, he would be off work for 2 weeks and would require much nursing of the affected area. So, we opted for the antibiotics for now, and maybe be prepared for the surgery later on down the road.
So we headed home through the ice storm, having to take the long way, due to all the accidents blocking the main roads. When we got home, we found that our power was out, which means no running water. So Jonathan, in his state, headed to the garage to try to start our generator. After about a half hour of fighting with it, he had to give up. I began to make plans on how to handle things without power. I mainly just worried! But luckily, the power came on after being home for about an hour. We ate dinner and got ready for bed. About 1am we woke up to discover the house was really cold. The power had gone out again. We just put an extra blanket on the bed and went back to sleep. I think the power came back on again between 4am and 5am. So, we were fortunate again.
When we woke in the morning, Jonathan was still in a lot of pain. He ended up taking the rest of the week off, because the cyst had not started to drain yet, resulting in the worsening pain. Now, since I have known Jonathan, he hasn't had the need to see a doctor and hasn't called off sick from work. He also has a high tolerance for pain. So when he says something hurts and calls off work, I know it's bad.
The Dr. instructed him to soak it twice a day, and hopefully it would open up. So after 3 days of Jonathan taking long showers and taking the advice of moms on both sides, the cyst finally opened up tonight. I have never been so happy to see something so gross. It's just real slow right now, but hopefully by the end of the weekend, it will have drained enough to ease the pain and get Jonathan back to work on Monday. I am praying that this is all that needs to happen to make it better. If it's not, then I guess we are going back to the doctor on Monday.
For now, I guess I will just watch the snow fall the rest of the weekend and take care of my husband. Maybe later I can get Jonathan outside to play in the snow on Sunday.