Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today, we decided to take a snow day. With me driving to Dayton and Jonathan working in Fairfield, there was no way we were going to brave the elements just to get to work.
Last night, Jonathan got a head start on the plowing of all this snow. We are pretty sure he plowed about 4 inches off the driveway before the next round of snow came in the middle of the night. By early morning we had another 5 inches in the driveway. When I had called into work to let them know I wouldn't be in today, Darke county was only at a level 2 emergency. By mid-morning, we were at a level 3-I no longer feel guilty for taking the day off. When the snow finally quit falling around 11:30am, we had a total of 8" in the driveway. Yes, that would make a total of 12 inches of snow in about a day and a half.
This is a picture of the at least a 3 foot high drift up against our back door.
Jonathan finally gets to give the Polaris a good workout. He is working hard at clearing our driveway.

This is the read we got from our yard stick in the driveway. This measures 8 inches of snow after he had already plowed 4 inches off the night before.

My husband. Always the good neighbor. This is neighbor #2 that he is helping to get plowed out. He just came inside to warm up. Since he loves the snow, I'm sure he will be back out there again later on today.
SPECIAL NOTE: One of the neighbors Jonathan just plowed out, just walked over to our house and gave Jonathan a fresh batch of Oatmeal Cookies. YUMMO!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dinner with Max and Co.

This weekend wasn't really eventful for us. Saturday, Jonathan worked up north with his dad and cousin again. I ran all the errands and did a few chores around the house
On Sunday, as we were walking out of church, it looked like a Sunday blizzard. A well known nickname that I have is Weather Wanda, because I am always on top of and worried about the weather forecast. Well, Weather Wanda missed this one!! We had made plans to meet my brother and sister-in-law for dinner after church. At a crawling pace, we finally made it to there house and headed to dinner.
We had a great time just chatting, playing with Max and watching the snow fall.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 40th Anniversary Mother and Dad Yoder!!

Yesterday, we tried to pull a fast one over on Jonathan's parents. They were celebrating there 40th Wedding Anniversary. We decided to try to gather the family at Rob's Restaurant for an Anniversary Luncheon.
We were very fortunate to get Jonathan's brother Steve and his family to make a day trip up just for the event. We also got all of her brothers and there wives to show too. We had a great time just talking and catching up and eating really good food. Thanks to everyone for taking time out of there day to celebrate with us!!
Above is the beautiful cake we had made for them. Every flower was edible except for the Tiger Lilly. Thanks Linda for coming through for me again at the last minute!!
Here is the happy couple. Congratulations!

This is a picture of Jonathan's parents along with her brothers and there wives. In the center, keeping the restless crowd in line, is Grandpa Lavy.

Catching people with there mouths full. Thanks to the folks at Rob's Restaurant for there service in our private room and really great food. If you haven't been there yet, you should add it to your list.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

9 to 5

Well, the Holidays are officially over. The tree is put away along with all other visual signs of Christmas in the house. I have been fortunate enough to have had quite a few days off in December from work. I am one of those annoying people who seem to save there vacation days until the end of the year, just in case.
Now that I feel sufficiently rested, it is now back to real life. "Workin 9 to 5" (or 8 to 5). I have to honestly say that I am a creature of habit, which means I missed my daily home/work routine. For some reason I seem to get more done in my day if there is a busier schedule (if that makes sense). I guess I am prone to put things off and procrastinate more if I have "nothing" to do at home.
Even though I am now back to the hustle and bustle of work, somehow the routine is comforting.

This could be a different story by about April or so. I will probably be tired of the 8 to 5 and ready for a spring Vacation!
I will start looking for a good song now!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Surprises

The ugly rooster above, if you recall, surprised my dad last New Years day. It "mysteriously" appeared on his front porch. Courtesy of my sister in Arizona. This year, the rooster made front row on the wall of fame. Notice the Santa hat and the bow around his neck. This Christmas, my dad sent my sister a very tacky frog which you can see on her blog link to the left for Wendy. Obviously the gifts are getting more and more tacky with each year. I can't wait until next year...
And these are the Christmas gifts that Jonathan and I decided to get each other. a new stove and refrigerator. We ended up getting various gift cards and cash for Christmas from other people. So the day after Christmas we headed out the door looking for a great deal. It ended up that Hansbargers had the best deal. Our old clunkers were hauled out on Friday and the new were brought in. As you can see, I am using the oven for the first time for my Chocolate Chip Cookies.
It also looks like Santa's UPS elves FINALLY arrived with Jonathan's Christmas present. I got Jonathan his first Telescope (upon request). We will be waiting for the warm weather before we take it out side. For now, we have it set up in the living room. I told him that instead of looking like a star gazer, he looked like the weirdo looking out the window. LOL!!